The … 3 2 0. Opening the website of Zaha Hadid Architects, the home page shows the various links of the practice on a schematic plan; it is the plan of MAXXI… Nel 1980 inaugura il proprio studio londinese progettando un appartamento a Eaton Place che vince il massimo riconoscimento di Architectural Design nel 1982. The competition proposal by Zaha Hadid was selected as the winner after a final stage to which 15 architectural teams were admitted, including those led by Steven Holl, Rem Koolhaas, Toyo Ito, Jean Nouvel, and SANAA. Maxxi Museum by architect zaha hadid. Da allora, nella struttura si sono vissuti eventi di primaria importanza, mostre convegni, anche concerti. From 1994, when she completed the Vitra Fire Station, Zaha Hadid's architectural output included museums, sports and cultural centers, commercial and residential buildings, as well as bridges and train stations. Nevertheless, the birth of the MAXXI (an acronym for Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo – National Museum of the 21st century Arts) had been somehow troubled. Architettura come sfida. MAXXI Museum, exterior views, photos © Inexhibit, 2015, MAXXI Museum, interior view of a temporary exhibition gallery, photo © Inexhibit, 2015, Architectural concept "It is with great sadness that Zaha Hadid Archit Nel 2004 Zaha Hadid è stata la prima donna a vincere il Premio Pritzker per l’Architettura. Inaugurazione del Maxxi, il Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo, disegnato dall’architetto Zaha Hadid.. Zaha Hadid, grande firma dell’architettura moderna, realizza a Roma un suo doppio sogno, cioè quello di dotare la città di un primo e fondamentale luogo dove esporre l’arte contemporanea e, parallelamente di costruire un “oggetto” anch’esso dall’alto “artistico”. In March 2016, when world-renowned architect Zaha Hadid died of a heart attack at age 65 in a Miami hospital, the news sent shockwaves through the architecture community.. Related Images: building architecture facade maxxi dongdaemoon 10 Free images of Zaha Hadid. MAXXI, Rome: Zaha Hadid Architects MAXXI, Rome: Zaha Hadid Architects Gissen, David 2010-05-01 00:00:00 Mark Garcia, editor of The Diagrams in Architecture ( John Wiley & Sons, 2010), one of the ï¬ rst signiï¬ cant accounts of the diagram in architectural design, provides a unique insight into the diagrammatic form of Zaha Hadid Architectsâ new MAXXI museum in Rome. Architecture Modern. 0 2 0. Aperto dal martedì al sabato, dalle 13.00 alle 18.00 Per maggiori informazioni: Buchmann Galerie. A un anno dalla sua improvvisa scomparsa il MAXXI le dedica la mostra L’Italia di Zaha Hadid. The MAXXI is located in the Flaminio quarter of Rome, in the area of the former Montello military barracks. Il Maxxi di Roma diviene quindi innanzitutto un oggetto da esplorare, una cassa di risonanza di per se stessa produttrice di emozioni e sensazioni entro le quali vivono altri “strumenti” anch’essi concepiti per emettere una musica propria. So the new National Museum of the 21st Century Arts, or MAXXI, by the British-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid, might have been expected to provoke similar controversy. Ximo Michavila has uploaded 3336 photos to Flickr. In 2019, she would have turned 68 years old. The collections of – modern to contemporary – art and architecture were indeed built only after the MAXXI’s opening (you can find details on them in the second part of this article). MAXXI… Published: 17 Nov 2009 Zaha Hadid (1950-2016), irachena di nascita e naturalizzata britannica, consegue nel 1971 un master in matematica pura presso l’Università americana di Beirut e dal 1972 al 1977 frequenta l’Architectural Association di Londra. that it was designed by Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid, who only last October won the important RIBA Stirling Prize for architecture. A conversation between Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker Despite the support of the Italian Government, it took almost 11 years to see the building completed, mainly due to the political instability of the time, as well as to the revision of the original program of spaces of the museum. Per accedere al museo è necessaria la prenotazione (Servizio Educativo MAXXI: Centre d'arts contemporains de Rome, in “Moniteur architecture AMC”, 97, 1999, p. 21. Zaha Hadid, MAXXI National Museum of XXI Century Arts, 1998 -- 2009 (opened 2010), Via Guido Reni, Rome. Direttore: Silvia Calandrelli Visibile sul canale 146 del digitale terrestre e sul 33 di Tivusat. Loading ... di Roma alla presenza dell'architetto Zaha Hadid in attesa della inaugurazione ufficiale nella primavera del 2010. pubblicato in data: 31/05/2010. GC&MK MAXXI 2.jpg 480 × 800; 199 KB. 0 1 0. Two urban grid-directions meet at the site. The architecture world lost an inimitable legend when British-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid died at the age of 65 in 2016. Se hai installato Facebook Messenger, puoi attivare le notifiche di RaiStoria Zaha Hadid, MAXXI National Museum of XXI Century Arts, 1998 -- 2009 (opened 2010), Via Guido Reni, Rome. The proposal by Zaha Hadid was selected as the winning one among the 273 submitted to an international design competition, organized between 1998 and 1999 by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage to establish the first institution in Italy devoted exclusively to contemporary art and architecture. MAXXI National Museum of XXI Century Arts is Italy’s first national public museum dedicated to contemporary creativity. 0 0 0. “La matematica è una disciplina che ti educa a organizzare e strutturare i processi della mente”– Zaha Hadid. Maxxi Rome Art. It is one of Hadid’s most praised works, and it won the Stirling Award in 2010. On October 31st, one of the brightest woman architects of our time was born — Zaha Hadid, whose name can be translated from Arabic as glorious. Even before completion, the project of the MAXXI, hitherto the largest designed by the Anglo-Iraqi architect, was subject to criticism, both for its location, which was considered marginal and too far from the city center and for its form, judged self-referential and inappropriate for a museum, although admittedly fascinating. The building was awarded the Royal Institute of British Architects 2010 Striking Prize for Architecture. Legendary architectural photographer Hélène Binet has given us permission to publish this set of construction images of the MAXXI museum in Rome, designed by Zaha Hadid. 2 4 0. Proprio qui si trova il MAXXI, Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, opera dell’architetto anglo-iracheno Zaha Hadid, concepito attraverso la sovrapposizione di layers, ovvero “strati” che sinuosamente si sovrappongono e si incrociano l’un l’altro così come i flussi di traffico dell’area circostante. Ricevi le notizie più importanti da Rai Storia, direttamente sul tuo smartphone! Take a tour of Maxxi, Zaha Hadid's light-filled labyrinth of modern art and architecture that has just opened for viewing in Rome's Flaminio district. Nel 1999 vince il concorso internazionale per la realizzazione a Roma del nuovo polo nazionale, culturale ed espositivo dedicato all’arte e all’architettura contemporanee: il Maxxi (Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo), che è stato aperto al pubblico nella primavera del 2010. Furthermore, the MAXXI project has won the prestigious RIBA’s Stirling Prize in 2010 for its architectural quality. It weaves a journey of exploration that spans architecture and the contemporary arts in … È morta a Miami Zaha Hadid aveva 65 anni. Iconic Zaha Hadid Buildings. Opening the website of Zaha Hadid Architects, the home page shows the various links of the practice on a schematic plan; it is the plan of MAXXI, Museum of Arts of the XXI century, in Rome. L’inaugurazione del MAXXI di Zaha Hadid (Roma) Roma > Inaugurazione del MAXXI – Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, progettato da Zaha Hadid… Filmati > YouTube/deutschewelleenglish / YouTube/MrClaudionapoli. We started to work on the competition for MAXXI in 1998 and the competition was decided in early 1999. 14 dicembre 2010. The site selected for the new museum was that of a disused military compound (the former Caserma Montello) in the Flaminio neighborhood, an area just north of Rome’s historical center, where the Olympic Sports Palace by Pier Luigi Nervi (1960) and the Auditorium by Renzo Piano (2002) are also located. She then moved to London, where she studied architecture at the Architectural Association and obtained her degree in 1977. Nel febbraio del 1999 viene scelto il progetto di Zaha Hadid, nel luglio dello stesso anno viene avviata l’acquisizione delle prime opere. Differences between competition proposal and the completed project La Hadid è l’ideatrice del Maxxi di Roma il grande museo statale di arte contemporanea sorto al posto delle ex caserme di via Guido Reni, al Flaminio 35. Come oramai si fa in diverse parti del mondo , l’oggetto stabile, ovvero il museo entro il quale viene ospitata l’arte è a sua volta concepito come un’ opera che “artisticamente” dialoga nel contesto della città nel quale è calato. The MAXXI, open to the city and to the world, is offered as a point of reference for public and private institutions in Italy and abroad, as well as for artists, architects and the wider public. MAXXI might be considered Zaha Hadid's most successful building. Fondazione MAXXI. Zaha Hadid in Italy, organized in collaboration with Zaha Hadid Design, Zaha Hadid Architects and the Zaha Hadid Foundation, intends to highlight the architect’s intensive and enduring relationship with the country. You can still manage your content as before and … Thus, as Zaha Hadid says, “MAXXI supersedes the notion of the museum as ‘object’ or fixed entity, presenting instead ‘a field of buildings’ accessible to all, with no firm boundary between what is ‘within’ and what ‘without’. She won the UK’s most prestigious architecture award, the RIBA Stirling Prize two years in a row: in 2010 for the MAXXI Museum in Rome, a building for the staging of 21st century art; and the Evelyn Grace Academy in 2011, which was a unique design, expertly inserted into an extremely tight site. Inaugurazione: Sabato 24 agosto 2013 alle ore 11.00. Italia, MAXXI, Zaha Hadid. Lo facciamo in concomitanza di un’esposizione molto interessante ospitata dal MAXXI di Roma fino al 18 gennaio prossimo, L’Italia di Zaha Hadid. Inspired by the architect’s sketches, MAXXI planned the exhibition details to invoke the three-dimensional version of the fluid lines imagined for the museum. Zaha Hadid, grande firma dell’architettura moderna, realizza a Roma un suo doppio sogno, cioè quello di dotare la città di un primo e fondamentale luogo dove esporre l’arte contemporanea e, parallelamente di costruire un “oggetto” anch’esso dall’alto “artistico”. I personally do not agree much with this criticism, there are enough flat walls in the MAXXI for hanging even large paintings, including a really big work by Anselm Kiefer. Therefore, the opening of the MAXXI is a milestone in the path of Italy towards a more conscious attitude about contemporary culture. Architetto tra i più influenti e visionari del nostro tempo, Zaha Hadid ha ridefinito l’architettura del XXI secolo e catturato l’immaginazione di tutto il mondo. The entire building has an urban character: prefiguring upon a directional route connecting the River to Via Guido Reni, the Centre encompasses both movement patterns existing and desired, contained within and outside. Central to this new reality – its primary force – is a confluence of lines – walls that constantly intersect and separate to create indoor and outdoor spaces.”, MAXXI Museum, interior and exterior views, photos © Inexhibit, 2015. “dramatic”, nevertheless the almost complete saturation of the site it envisaged is not fully convincing, in my opinion. Zaha Hadid (in arabo: زها حديد ‎; Baghdad, 31 ottobre 1950 – Miami, 31 marzo 2016) è stata un'architetta e designer irachena naturalizzata britannica.. Ha ricevuto il Premio Pritzker nel 2004 (prima donna a ottenerlo) e il Premio Stirling nel 2010 e nel 2011. cliccando sul pulsante qui sotto, Attraverso il bot di Facebook Messenger potrai anche interrogare Rai Storia per vedere gli Accadde Oggi o i video presenti nei nostri archivi: Per par condicio tre di sinistra e tre di destra. La giuria ne seleziona 15 e il progetto di Zaha Hadid viene avviato, nella sua fase preliminare, già all’inizio del 2000, e alla fine di quell’anno è dichiarato vincitore. Zaha Hadid's MAXXI Credit: Roland Halbe. over a year after her sudden death, zaha hadid’s legacy continues to flourish. On May 28, 2010, the inauguration of the MAXXI Museum in Rome marked a turning point for the Italian cultural scene. MAXXI: National Museum of 21st Century Arts Rome, Italy. The design by Zaha Hadid is woven into the city’s fabric with an architectural … Stories about the MAXXI National Museum of XXI Century Arts in Rome, Italy, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects and completed in 2010. Il tutto in sinergia con le due sezioni portanti, MAXXI arte e MAXXI … riceverai tutti gli ultimi aggiornamenti sulla programmazione TV di Rai Storia, Strumenti -- Impostazioni visualizzazione compatibilità, "Includi elenchi aggiornati siti web da Microsoft", L`apertura del MAXXI - Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo. Examples of digital communication technology in culture and education, Venice Art Biennale 2017 | info, program, exhibitions, and events, 58th Venice Biennale of Art 2019 | May You Live in Interesting Times, Museums of archaeology and archaeological sites around the world, 16th Venice Architecture Biennale 2018 – pavilions, program, events, Venice Architecture Biennale 2016 – Reporting from the Front – INDEX, Venice Art Biennale 2015 – All the World’s Futures – Index. 10 anni, tanto tempo ha richiesto la costruzione del Maxxi, il museo nazionale delle arti del xxi secolo di Roma progettato dall’archistar Zaha Hadid e finalmente domenica Globartmag ha avuto l’opportunità di fare un giro all’interno delle sale di questo grande capolavoro di architettura. Zaha Hadid. Via Gamee, CH-6927 Agra (Collina d’Oro) T. + 41 (0) 91 980 08 30. 2 4 0. She refused to see things in an ordinary way, her projects were called impossible to build and insane, she lost bids for 17 years, but she became the woman that totally changed the world of architecture. Zaha Hadid Architects, Urban Master-plan for MAXXI, London 1999. Internationally renowned Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid, seen here inside the Maxxi museum in Rome, has died aged 65, her company said on Thursday. A conversation between Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker Explore Ximo Michavila's photos on Flickr. MAXXI supersedes the notion of the museum as 'object' or—presenting a field of buildings accessible to all, with no firm boundary between what is 'within' and what is 'without'. We incorporated Zaha Hadid Architects the same year. Torino: Allemandi, 2002, ISBN 9788842209899. The original project, coherently with her “field of buildings” concept, included five brand new buildings, only one of which has been actually built; therefore, on various occasions, the Anglo-Iraqi architect has complained that the MAXXI is an “incomplete project”. La prima pietra è posata nel marzo del 2003. Zaha Hadid Preview al MAXXI di Roma mariapia michieletto. Zaha Hadid. The flamboyant British designer—born on October 31, 1950 in Iraq, educated in Beirut, and known as the “Queen of the Curve” for her swooping, elegantly complex designs—was a legend in her time. Tunnel Structure. The design of Zaha Hadid was the winner of an International design competition. The complex houses two institutions: MAXXI Arte and MAXXI Architecture, aiming to promote art and architecture through collection, conservation, study and exhibition of contemporary works. 5 Luglio 2017 ArteVitae oggi torna ad occuparsi di un Architetto tra i più influenti e visionari del nostro tempo, Zaha Hadid. Vitra Fire Station, Weil am Rhein, Germany (1993) 1 3 0. A little over a year after Hadid’s sudden death “her” museum dedicates Zaha Hadid and Italy (Zaha Hadid and Italy) to her, an exhibition curated by Margherita Guccione and Woody Yao, which from 23 June to 28 January 2018 explores the connection between our country and one of the most influential and world-renowned architects. Ten years after Zaha Hadid won the international design competition for this project, it is very close to the official inauguration in early 2010. Hadid, Zaha. The MAXXI Museum in Rome by Zaha Hadid Architects – part 1. We create transformative cultural, corporate, residential and other spaces that work in synchronicity with their surroundings. And similarly to what happened with the building designed by Wright, some critics complained that the curved walls of the museum were unfit to accommodate large paintings. 13 best works from Zaha Hadid, who won architecture’s biggest prize 13 years ago. The permanent exhibition gallery on the first floor, left: Sternefall by Anselm Kiefer, photo © Inexhibit, 2015, Ground floor view, foreground: the work Barka by Sislej Xhafa, photo © Inexhibit, 2015, The ground floor, view from the first floor, photo © Inexhibit, 2015. Zaha Hadid was born in Bagdad and graduated in Mathematics from the American University in Beirut. Architecture Zaha. 950 projects 44 countries 400 staff 55 nations Welcome to the interactive archive of Zaha Hadid Architects. Tornando al MAXXI, esso è opera dell'architetto Zaha Hadid La costruzione del MAXXI è avvenuta non senza polemiche che sono poi continuate all'atto dell'inaugurazione per la scelta delle mostre inaugurali (dedicata a Gino De Dominicis). Her work is a revolutionary research bordering on town planning, architecture and design. 4 2 0. Zaha Hadid; Founded by: Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism; Heritage designation: Italian national heritage; Inception: 2010; Date of official opening: ... MAXXI - inaugurazione nel novembre 2009.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 471 KB. The project was first announced in 2000 and took over 10 years to complete. Introduction Sabato 14 e domenica 15 novembre l’appuntamento più atteso: l’apertura straordinaria in anteprima del MAXXI, prima ancora che le opere vengano esposte, e la possibilità di visitare, dalle 10 alle 13, gli spazi ideati dall'architetto Zaha Hadid. Photographer Luke Hayeshas sent us a selection of photos of the MAXXI_National Museum of the XXI Century Artsin Rome by architect Zaha Hadid… To win this important competition was a major boost to both our confidence and our credibility. The concept behind the design by Zaha Hadid Architects was to create a fluid building, dropping the traditional articulation in separate, secluded, rooms typical of many old and modern museums, as well as the rigid distinction between interior and external space – an idea which somehow recalls Frank Lloyd Wright’s design for the Guggenheim Museum in New York. Your content is now stored within your company organization. MAXXI Museum, exterior view, photo © Inexhibit, 2015. Rome, fine anni ’10, Museo delle Arti del Ventunesimo Secolo (per gli amici solo il MAXXI, disegnato da Zaha Hadid): nell’atrio luminoso s’allungano sinuose le scale che portano alle gallerie superiori, su una parete campeggia il nome della creatrice di questo spazio coreografico, avvolgente: Zaha Hadid. The architecture world lost an inimitable legend when British-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid died at the age of 65 in 2016. Opere e progetti. Space Architecture Futuristic Architecture Contemporary Architecture Amazing Architecture Museum Architecture Building Architecture Chinese Architecture Zaha Hadid Architects Arquitectos Zaha Hadid. A look at some of her most iconic buildings. Inaugura al MAXXI la mostra Pier Luigi Nervi. The headquarters of the MAXXI was designed by Zaha Hadid and is located in the Flaminio district of Rome. Zaha Hadid's new Roman gallery joins the pantheon of the greats The Maxxi gallery is a masterpiece fit to sit alongside Rome's ancient wonders – but … Zaha Hadid Architects successfully elevated Rome’s classical architecture foundation with this progressive contemporary art museum, which opened in 2010 after a decade-long construction process. This long-awaited venue, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, was indeed the first major public-owned museum dedicated to contemporary art to be … The building was awarded the Royal Institute of British Architects 2010 Striking Prize for Architecture. Published: 17 Nov 2009 MAXXI, Rome, Via L. Poletti, Rome 2009 . The project was first announced in 2000 and took over 10 years to complete. However, this privilege is also problematic, as it obscures the greater intellectual basis of the sketch. Architecture Zaha. in commemoration of the famed architect, rome’s MAXXI museum is hosting ‘zaha hadid … Built 30000m 2 MAXXI supercedes the notion of the museum as ‘object’ or – presenting a field of buildings accessible to all, with no firm boundary between what is ‘within’ and what is ‘without’. Home » Architecture » Zaha Hadid – The MAXXI Museum Rome – part 1, MAXXI Museum, exterior view, photo © Inexhibit, 2015, The MAXXI Museum in Rome by Zaha Hadid Architects – part 1. Architecture. Il 28 Maggio 2010 l’inaugurazione del MAXXI a Roma ha segnato un punto di svolta nel panorama culturale italiano. Today, the MAXXI is probably the most lively cultural center in Rome, and among the most influentials in Europe, with a wide offer of exhibitions, activities and special events. Architecture Zaha. 0 0 0. Rome. Actually, the judges decided that the MAXXI Museum (Museum of 21st Century Arts) is her best work. ... Zaha Hadid during the opening ceremony of the National Museum of 21st Century Arts (MAXXI), in Rome, Italy. Gallery. Zaha Hadid Design has been responsible for the design of all the studio’s exhibitions in recent years. Find it through MYMUSEM search, Zaha Hadid – The MAXXI Museum Rome – part 1. In 2004, Hadid became the first woman to be awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize. The design took its initial point of departure from the geometry of the immediate urban context. This long-awaited venue, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, was indeed the first major public-owned museum dedicated to contemporary art to be opened in decades in Italy; a country world-renowned for his old art heritage but where public institutions have traditionally paid less attention to the arts of today, with the remarkable exception of the Venice Biennale. In 2010, Hadid designed MAXXI, the National Center for Contemporary Arts in Rome. ZAHA HADID. MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo. MAXXI, Rome, Flaminio District, Rome 2009. Furthermore, the museum is quite good for sculptures and installations, which both represent probably the most used means of expression in contemporary art. Visita il Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo di Roma, progettato da Zaha Hadid e gestito dalla fondazione MAXXI del Ministero per i Beni Culturali Then in November the building was voted the World Building of the Year at the World Architecture Festival in Barcelona. Analysing one sketch drawn by Zaha Hadid in the process of designing the MAXXI in Rome, this article aims to offer ways to reconsider the role of the sketch. Bilotta, Sofia, Alessio Rosati. Central to this new reality are confluent lines – walls intersecting and separating to … We work at all scales and in all sectors. Ben sei ministri si sono susseguiti durante la costruzione. Text description provided by the architects. Inaugurazione del Maxxi, il Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo, disegnato dall’architetto Zaha Hadid. Dongdaemun Design Plaza. The design of Zaha Hadid was the winner of an International design competition. Since that day, indeed, many new private and public museums and centers dedicated to contemporary art, architecture, design, and creativity have been opened in Italy, albeit still not as many as in, say, the United States, France, Germany or the United Kingdom. Zaha Hadid - MAXXI #10. It must be said that, when it opened in 2010, the museum was defined as a “project without a collection”. Short for Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo (National Museum of 21st Century Arts) it is a contemporary art museum in the Flaminio quarter of Rome, just slightly north of the city center. Via della Posta 2, CH-6900 Lugano. Raggiunta la notorietà internazionale nel 1983 con la vittoria nel concorso “The Peak” a Hong Kong, negli anni succesivi le sue opere vengono pubblicate ed esposte in mostre e musei, fra cui il Guggenheim Museum a New York, la GA Gallery a Tokyo e la Grand Central Station a New York. The museum complex we see today is only a part of the competition design by Zaha Hadid. Article by Chris Dangtran. Introduction. On May 28, 2010, the inauguration of the MAXXI Museum in Rome marked a turning point for the Italian cultural scene. Casciani, Stefano. L’anno seguente è indetto un concorso internazionale al quale giungono quasi 300 proposte. Buchmann Lugano. Opening the website of Zaha Hadid Architects, the home page shows the various links of the practice on a schematic plan; it is the plan of MAXXI, Museum of Arts of the XXI century, in Rome. Verso il centro : Zaha Hadid, il Centro Nazionale per le Arti Contemporanee di Roma e la giovane arte italiana. Urban Strategy and Architectural Concept . This contributes to architecture’s disciplinary development and experimentation. Zaha Hadid, il Centro Nazionale per le Arti Contemporanee di Roma e la giovane arte italiana, Castelvecchi Editoria & comunicazione, Roma 2000. MAXXI Competition 3D digital model, 1998. Photographer Luke Hayes has sent us a selection of photos of the MAXXI_National Museum of the XXI Century Arts in Rome by architect Zaha Hadid. Gallery. Maxxi Rome Art. Dame Zaha Mohammad Hadid DBE RA (Arabic: زها حديد ‎ Zahā Ḥadīd; 31 October 1950 – 31 March 2016) was a British Iraqi architect, artist and designer, recognised as a major figure in architecture of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. 0 1 0. The MAXXI Museum in Rome by Zaha Hadid Architects – part 2 (Continued from Part 1) The architecture of the MAXXI With a total floor area of 310,000 square feet, the ensemble conceived by ZHA integrates some of the old military structures with a new, L-shaped, building. However, looking at the original design, though its visual impact was certainly more “dramatic”, nevertheless the almost complete saturation of the site it envisaged is not fully convincing, in my opinion. Take a tour of Maxxi, Zaha Hadid's light-filled labyrinth of modern art and architecture that has just opened for viewing in Rome's Flaminio district. Central to this new reality are confluent lines—walls intersecting and separating to create interior and exterior spaces. Two views of the scale model of the original proposal by ZHA, showing the five new buildings planned, The MAXXI is the main museum in Rome focused on modern and contemporary art and architecture, it is housed in a futuristic building by Zaha Hadid, copyright Inexhibit 2020 - ISSN: 2283-5474, Where is this? Roma. The development of the MAXXI project Milano: Mondadori Electa, 2002, ISBN 9788837075828. Zaha Hadid’s MAXXI Museum Rome’s MAXXI Museum – Italy’s National Museum of Arts of the XXI Century, was designed by none other than architect extraordinaire, Zaha Hadid. Zaha Hadid, MAXXI National Museum of XXI Century Arts, 1998 -- 2009 (opened 2010), Via Guido Reni, Rome.