[26] IdV became a strong competitor of the PD and the relations between the two parties became tense. [183][184][185] On 20 February 2014, the PD leadership applied for full membership of the PES. [52] Bersani launched his own bid on 14 October in his hometown Bettola, north-western Emilia. Moderati - Wikipedia imoderati.it ha informato i visitatori su argomenti come What is ATI Catalyst e ATI Open GL driver. Il 15 marzo 2012 alla Camera dei Deputati viene presentata la testata giornalistica on line Moderati e Riformisti di Centro Sinistra, il cui direttore editoriale è Giorgio Benvenuto[21][22]. [142] The party also accepted that Conte may continue at the head of a new government,[143] and on 29 August President Mattarella formally invested Conte to do so. Sebbene la carta costituzionale sancisca la necessità della figura del partito, non ne delinea la personalità giuridica né … The PD secretary did particularly well in Lazio (67.8%), Campania (69.4%), Apulia (71.4%), Basilicata (71.7%), Calabria (74.4%), Sicily (66.5%) and Sardinia (73.5%).[61]. Alle elezioni politiche del 2018 i Moderati si presentano ancora inseriti nelle liste del PD. Silvio Magliano Chi sono Al lavoro per il Piemonte La mia formazione e il mio impegno a favore delle persone e del Bene Comune, dai tempi dell’Università a oggi Ecco il futuro che vorrei per il nostro territorio, punto per punto Le foto della mia attività in Aula e sul territorio Le mie dichiarazioni e […] [156] On 17 November the party's national assembly approved the new party's statute, featuring the separation between the roles of party secretary and candidate for Prime Minister. Alle elezioni politiche del 2013, all'interno della coalizione di centro-sinistra, vengono presentate liste solamente in due regioni. After the party's formation in 2007, the new party's MEPs continued to sit with the PES and ALDE groups to which their former parties had been elected during the 2004 European Parliament election. [65] After the vote, Prodi pulled out of the race and Bersani resigned as party secretary. Esse ottengono rispettivamente lo 0,09% e lo 0,41%, non riuscendo così ad eleggere nessun senatore. ", "Europee, un puzzle di sei liste a sinistra. [168][169] These policies resulted in broad criticism from the left-wing Democrats and Progressives (partners in government) as well as left-leaning intellectuals like Roberto Saviano and Gad Lerner. Tuttavia il logo del partito appariva in molte altre circoscrizioni all'interno del cartello della Lista dei grilli parlanti, dando luogo a una querelle giudiziaria[12][13]. In the election, the PD obtained its worst result ever: 18.7% of the vote, well behind the M5S (32.7%) and narrowly ahead of the Lega (17.4%). 48 anni. [159], On 22 February 2020 the national assembly of the PD unanimously elected its new president, Valentina Cuppi, mayor of Marzabotto. [7] Additionally, the party forged an alliance with Article One. In the 2012 regional election, Rosario Crocetta (member of the PD) was elected president with 30.5% of the vote thanks to the support of the UdC, but the coalition failed to secure an outright majority in the Regional Assembly. [173][174][175][176][177] According to Maria Teresa Meli of Corriere della Sera, Renzi "pursues a precise model, borrowed from the Labour Party and Bill Clinton's Democratic Party", comprising "a strange mix (for Italy) of liberal policies in the economic sphere and populism. [64] Despite his candidacy had received unanimous support among the two parties' delegates, Prodi obtained only 395 votes in the fourth ballot[63] as more than 100 centre-left electors did not vote for him. [68], The decision, on 9 November, that the PD would organise the next congress of the Party of European Socialists (PES) in Rome in early 2014, sparked protests among some of the party's Christian democrats, who opposed PES membership. Moderati per partito preso con Renzi 08:00 Giovedì 03 Marzo 2016 7. Renzi: "Non faccio il piccolo burattinaio al congresso, "Minniti: "Ritiro la candidatura per salvare il partito, chi se ne va fa un regalo ai populisti, "Congresso Pd, rush finale nei circoli, ancora scontro sui dati. As a result, Bersani, who refused any agreement with the PdL and was rejected by the M5S, failed to form a government. I Moderati sono nati il 20 dicembre 2005, con la scelta dei consiglieri regionali piemontesi Giuliano Manolino e Giovanni Pizzale di abbandonare rispettivamente Forza Italia e Italia dei Valori[3]. [153] The convention was characterized by a strong leftward move, stressing a strong distance from liberal and centrist policies promoted under Renzi's leadership. [25] The green-white-red idea was coined by Schettini during his campaign. As previously the Italian Communist Party (PCI), the PD has its strongholds in Central Italy and big cities. IdV, excited by its 4.4% which made it the fourth largest party in Parliament, refused to join both the Democratic groups and the shadow cabinet. I Moderati sono un partito politico italiano radicato principalmente nella città metropolitana di Torino, nonché nel resto del Piemonte, ma presente Page 1/3. Prior to that, Marco Minniti, minister of the Interior in the Gentiloni Cabinet, had also launched his bid,[126][127] before renouncing in December[128][129] and supporting Zingaretti. Factions form different alliances depending on the issues and some party members have multiple factional allegiances. [46][47] However, after the resignation of Silvio Berlusconi as Prime Minister in November 2011 the PD gave external support to Mario Monti's technocratic government, along with the PdL and the UdC,[48][49] effectively broking with IdV and SEL. Following his party's defeat, Renzi resigned from secretary[111] and his deputy Martina started functioning as acting secretary. The PD was founded on 14 October 2007 upon the merger of various centre-left parties which had been part of The Olive Tree list and The Union coalition in the 2006 general election.They notably … Turismo. Prodi: "Nessuna egemonia Ds o Dl, "PD: BOCCIATE CANDIDATURE DI PIETRO E PANNELLA", "Pd: collegio garanti decidera' domani su pannella", "Italy's Veltroni elected new centre-left party's leader: projections", "Rome Mayor Walter Veltroni pronounced leader of Italy's new Democratic Party", "Tricolore e ramoscello di ulivo. "La misura è colma". [203] In early September, two leading centrists, namely Franceschini and Fioroni (leaders of Democratic Area and The Populars), endorsed Renzi. [180][181] On 22 May 2013, the PD was a founding member of the PA at the international's official inauguration in Leipzig, Germany on the eve of the 150th anniversary of the formation of the General German Workers' Association, the oldest of the two parties which merged in 1875 in order to form the Social Democratic Party of Germany. Tutte le Informazioni su Moderati Per Il Piemonte a Torino (10121) - Partiti politici, sede di partito - Indirizzo, Numero di Telefono, CAP, Mappa e Altre Info Utili su MisterImprese! The nature of Renzi's progressivism is a matter of debate and has been linked both to liberalism and populism. When used alongside other types of musical terms, such as mood commands, moderato will indicate … L'alleanza Moderati-PD viene confermata il mese dopo da un incontro ufficiale tra i segretari Portas e Veltroni[14]. The leadership race started with voting by party members in local conventions (7–17 November). Qualche mese più tardi anche Davico lascia i Moderati per aderire al gruppo Federazione della Libertà. Epifani's mission was to lead the party toward a national convention in October. Others, led by Ettore Rosato, formed Back to the Future.[240]. Colombo later decided to retire his candidacy citing his impossibility to fit with all the requirements. Consigliere. Il senatore Pd: "In piazza vado solo il 1 maggio" di SARA STRIPPOLI. [134] A month later, Zingaretti appointed Andrea Orlando and Paola De Micheli as deputy secretaries. The Democratic Party (Italian: Partito Democratico, PD) is a social-democratic political party in Italy. Il livetweet", "Gentiloni eletto presidente del PD, nessun contrario e 86 astenuti - Il video su Affaritaliani.it -", "Zingaretti nomina Orlando e De Micheli vicesegretari del PD", "Europee: chi ha vinto, chi ha perso e cosa succederà al governo italiano", "Europee, i candidati promossi e quelli bocciati: i numeri dei signori delle preferenze", "Italian chosen as European Parliament president", "Italy's Government Collapses, Turning Chaos into Crisis", "Italian PM resigns with attack on 'opportunist' Salvini", "Governo, Zingaretti: "I 5 punti per trattare con il M5S. [66] Bindi, the party's president, also resigned. Page 4/10. Allo stesso tempo si decide di avviare una collaborazione con il PLI[15][16]. The bulk of the former, Un-affiliated social liberals, social democrats and supporters of a broad alliance including, This page was last edited on 15 December 2020, at 20:07. [206], In October, four candidates filed their bid to become secretary, namey Renzi, Cuperlo, Pippo Civati and Gianni Pittella.[74]. Cuperlo, whose support was higher in the South, came second with 18.2% while Civati, whose message did well with northern urban and progressive voters, came third with 14.2%. [157], Starting from November 2019, the grassroots Sardines movement began in the region of Emilia-Romagna, aimed at contrasting the rise of right-wing populism and the League in the region. The latest Tweets from I Moderati (@i_Moderati). His only opponent Arturo Parisi won a mere 92 votes. [167] Inspired by Renzi, re-elected secretary in April; and Marco Minniti, interior minister since December 2016, the party promoted stricter policies regarding immigration and public security. EuroNews - Interview - The truth about Aldo Moro's murder? [83] On 28 February, the PD officially joined the PES as a full member,[84] ending a decade-long debate. Con lui veltroniani, lettiani e...", Pd, Boccia incorona Emiliano «È un leader, ora si fissi il congresso», "Il Pd verso le primarie: ecco chi sostiene chi I volti", "Pd, Gentiloni: "Zingaretti può aprire una stagione nuova, "Congresso Pd, Areadem di Franceschini e Fassino appoggerà Zingaretti. Disposizione data da Hitler nel 1942 “ Gli slavi son tenuti a lavorare per noi. L’obiettivo di Azione è quello di creare una coalizione che unisca forze popolari, socialiste e liberali europee “per competere e battere i sovranisti e i demopopulisti, per una Torino che torni ad … Nel 2021 il partito di Salvini vorrebbe lanciare come candidato sindaco un nome alla Paolo Damilano, che sia fuori dalla logica dei partiti. Moderati rispetto a che cosa ?Cos'è che temono ? Una Buona Destra per Torino Claudio Desirò 11:11 Lunedì 23 Novembre 2020 0. Mdp lo aspetta come leader", "Primarie: Renzi 70,01%; Orlando 19,50%; Emiliano 10,49%; votanti 1.848.658 - Partito Democratico", "I risultati delle primarie del PD, spezzettati - Il Post", "Renzi, ecco la lettera di dimissioni: "Sono già fuori, "Direzione Pd approva all'unanimità la relazione di Martina: "No a governi con centrodestra e M5S. Four individuals filed their bid for becoming secretary, namely Matteo Renzi, Pippo Civati, Gianni Cuperlo and Gianni Pittella. [99][100][101][102][103] Most of the splinters as well as Scotto were former Democrats of the Left. In 1995, Romano Prodi, a former minister of Industry on behalf of the left-wing faction of Christian Democracy (DC), entered politics and founded The Olive Tree (L'Ulivo), a centre-left coalition including the PDS, the Italian People's Party (PPI), the Federation of the Greens (FdV), Italian Renewal (RI), the Italian Socialists (SI) and Democratic Union (UD). [22], On 14 October 2007, Veltroni was elected leader with about 75% of the national votes in an open primary attended by over three million voters. I moderati non furono mai un partito formale, ma solo un movimento di patrioti riformisti di mentalità liberale, di solito laica. On 20 January 2014, Cuperlo criticized the electoral reform proposed by Renzi in agreement with Berlusconi, but the proposal was overwhelmingly approved by the party's national board. 1943 1945 La Resistenza 1. [69], Epifani was little more than a secretary pro tempore and in fact frequently repeated that he was not going to run for a full term as secretary in the leadership race that would take place in late 2013, saying that his candidacy would be a betrayal of his mandate.[70][71][72][73]. Da Lotti a Guerini, da Marcucci alla Morani: chi (per ora) non-segue Renzi", Partito Democratico – Tutta un'altra storia, E’ nato il Pd di Zingaretti, partito modello-Labour che vira a sinistra e preferisce “dimenticare” il governo, Pd, varato il nuovo statuto: il segretario non sarà più il candidato premier, "Salvini suffers setback in leftwing stronghold during Italy regional elections", https://www.politico.eu/article/in-italian-elections-everyone-claims-victory/, Veltroni quits as leader of Italy's opposition Democratic Party, "Italy. In the words of Ermete Realacci, green represents the ecologist and social-liberal cultures, white the Catholic solidarity and red the socialist and social-democratic traditions. Read Free I Moderati anche in Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna, Campania e Sicilia. The Mayor of Turin is an elected politician who, along with the Turin's City Council of 40 members, is accountable for the government of Turin, Piedmont, northern Italy. claudia porchietto 883 voti (55,96%) antonio saitta 695 voti (44,04%) list of … After a crushing defeat in the February 2009 Sardinian regional election, Walter Veltroni resigned as party secretary. [137] Calenda was the most voted candidate of the party. The 2018 general election was a major defeat for the party as it was reduced to 18.7% (Tuscany 29.6%). [50][51], In the primary, the strongest challenge to Bersani was posed by a fellow Democrat, the 37-year-old mayor of Florence Matteo Renzi, a liberal moderniser, who had officially launched his leadership bid on 13 September 2012 in Verona, Veneto. The common roots of the founding components of the party reside in the Italian resistance movement, the writing of Italian Constitution and the Historic Compromise, all three events which saw the Italian Communist Party and Christian Democracy (the two major forerunners of the Democrats of the Left and Democracy is Freedom – The Daisy, respectively) cooperate. Former members include Giorgio Napolitano (President of Italy, 2006–2015), Sergio Mattarella (President of Italy, 2015–present), Romano Prodi, Giuliano Amato, Massimo D'Alema, Pier Luigi Bersani (secretary, 2009–2013), Guglielmo Epifani (secretary, 2013), Francesco Rutelli, Pietro Grasso, Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi (secretary, 2013–2018). [171], The PD is a plural party, including several distinct ideological trends:[172]. [160], The PD is a big tent centre-left party, influenced by the ideas of social democracy and Christian left. [150] 24 deputies and 13 senators (including Renzi) left. Moderati è un partito politico italiano radicato principalmente in Piemonte, ma presente anche in Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna, Campania e Sicilia. Federico Carlo Vilfredo Mensio. [124][125], Three major candidates, Martina, Nicola Zingaretti and Roberto Giachetti, plus a handful of minor ones, formally filed papers in order to run for secretary. Giacomo Portas, candidato nella quota proporzionale della circoscrizione Piemonte 1 per la Camera, viene eletto come primo degli esclusi grazie alla contemporanea elezione del capolista Pier Carlo Padoan in un collegio uninominale. La Resistenza Italia 1943-1945 2. Renzi non-c'è", "Pd, 70mila alla manifestazione a Roma. I Moderati sono un partito politico italiano radicato principalmente nella città metropolitana di Torino, nonché nel resto del Piemonte, ma presente anche in Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna, Campania e Sicilia. The PD was the second-largest party in Italy in the 2018 general election. Calenda lascia il Pd, Di Battista contro. Martina: "A noi piacciono le piazze non-i balconi, "Calenda lancia Manifesto "Siamo Europei", Zingaretti e Martina: "Candidati primarie aprano insieme la campagna per maggio, "L'Italia e l'Europa sono più forti di chi le vuole deboli! All candidates interested in running for the PD leadership had to be associated with one of the founding parties and present at least 2,000 valid signatures by 30 July 2007. Moderati per Torino. Pubblicato il 23 aprile 2011 da moderati-bruno. [93][94][95][96][97] Renzi, Andrea Orlando (one of the leaders of the Remake Italy faction; the other leader Matteo Orfini was the party's president and supported Renzi) and Michele Emiliano were the three contenders for the party's leadership. [29][30] Franceschini was elected by the party's national assembly with 1,047 votes out of 1,258. The day after Napolitano accepted to stand again for election and was re-elected President with the support of most parliamentary parties. [145], The Conte II Cabinet took office on 5 September, with Franceschini as Minister of Culture and head of the PD's delegation. Grillo, o ci stai o sei un buffone" / SCHEDA - Quotidiano Net", "Intervista a Cuperlo: "No alle liste bloccate" - Politica - l'Unità - notizie online lavoro, recensioni, cinema, musica", "Pd, Cuperlo si dimette da presidente. In February 1998, the PDS merged with minor social-democratic parties (Labour Federation and Social Christians, among others) to become the Democrats of the Left (DS), while in March 2002 the PPI, RI and The Democrats (Prodi's own party, launched in 1999) became Democracy is Freedom – The Daisy (DL). Pesano le fiducie sul Rosatellum. [74] Fioroni: "Allora torna la Margherita" - Il Fatto Quotidiano", "Epifani non-si candiderà al Congresso. [45] The three party leaders agreed in what was soon dubbed the pact of Vasto. In the 2017 Sicilian regional election Crocetta did not stand and the PD-led coalition was defeated. The electoral results of the PD in general (Chamber of Deputies) and European Parliament elections since 2008 are shown in the chart below. In the run-up of the 2018 general election, the PD tried to form a broad centre-left coalition, but only minor parties showed interest. [13][14][15] The PD has been also influenced by social liberalism which was already present in some of the founding components of the DS and DL and more generally by a Third Way progressivism. [192], As of September the party's majority was composed of those who supported Bersani since the beginning (divided in five main factions: Bersaniani, Dalemiani, Lettiani, Bindiani and the party's left-wing) and AreaDem of Franceschini and Fassino. "A Torino serve un sindaco coraggioso, un sindaco che parli con le attività produttive, con le categorie economiche. Between 2013 and 2018, the Italian government was led by three successive Democratic Prime Ministers, namely Enrico Letta (2013–2014), Matteo Renzi (2014–2016) and Paolo Gentiloni (2016–2018). Resta il nodo assenza donne tra la candidate", "Orlando: "Zingaretti può portare elementi di discontinuità nel Pd, "Associazioni e fondazioni, nel Pd si riorganizzano le varie componenti (di R. F. Calvo)", "::: Ministero dell'Interno ::: Archivio Storico delle Elezioni", Basilicata, quei «cavalli da tiro» eredi della Dc: tutti al potere giovanissimi (e tutti indagati), Parliamentary Group in the Chamber of Deputies, Early 20th-century Italian political parties, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Democratic_Party_(Italy)&oldid=994452376, Party of European Socialists member parties, Parties represented in the European Parliament, Articles with dead external links from September 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead external links from September 2010, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Italian-language text, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Three national lists supported the candidacy of Veltroni. [53][54][55] Other candidates included Nichi Vendola (SEL),[56] Bruno Tabacci (ApI) and Laura Puppato (PD).[57]. [27] In October, Veltroni, who distanced from Di Pietro many times, declared that "on some issues he [Di Pietro] is distant from the democratic language of the centre-left".[28]. After two months of negotiations and the refusal of the PD to join forces with the M5S,[112] the latter and the Lega formed a government under Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, a M5S-proposed independent. Mi piace: 107. In local conventions, Renzi came first (66.7%), Orlando second (25.3%) and Emiliano third (8.0%). Alle regionali piemontesi del 2014 i Moderati decidono di sostenere il candidato del centrosinistra Sergio Chiamparino, che risulterà vincitore. However, Renzi, several Democratic delegates and SEL did not support Marini. Il 9 febbraio 2017 Formisano aderisce al gruppo Civici e Innovatori, restando comunque membro dei Moderati; tuttavia il 28 febbraio 2017 abbandona il partito per aderire ad Articolo 1 - Movimento Democratico e Progressista, il nuovo partito di sinistra nato dalla scissione del Partito Democratico. Basta odi feroci tra noi, "Pd, Franceschini: "Abbiamo il dovere di tenere aperto il dialogo con il M5s. [29][30] Franceschini was the first former Christian Democrat to lead the party. [117][118], In July, Maurizio Martina was elected secretary by the party's national assembly and a new leadership election was scheduled for the first semester of 2019. Luoghi: torino italia. While the party's right-wing, especially Liberal PD, was enthusiastic in its support, Fassina and other leftists, especially those linked to trade unions, were critical. Letta was the first Democrat to become Prime Minister. After the election Veltroni, who was gratified by the result, formed a shadow cabinet. "Le accuse di Grillo a Rodotà sono volgari e inammissibili" - International Business Times", "Pd, Epifani si tira fuori: "Non mi candiderò a guida del partito, sarebbe tradimento" - Il Fatto Quotidiano", "Internazionale » Partito democratico » Epifani: sondaggi favorevoli per me, ma non-mi candiderò", "Economia e Finanza - Corriere della Sera", "Primarie Pd, candidati depositano le firme. In the 2008 Abruzzo regional election, the PD was forced to support IdV candidate Carlo Costantini. [119] On 17 November 2018, Martina resigned and the national assembly was dissolved, starting the electoral proceedings.[120]. I militanti: "Vogliamo unità". A year after the pact of Vasto, the relations between the PD and IdV had become tense. [146] Gentiloni was contextually picked by the government as the Italian member of the von der Leyen Commission[147] and would serve as European Commissioner for the Economy.[148].