application of Article 51 of this Constitution. In questo modo assume su di sé un profilo che indissolubilmente lo lega alle istituzioni statali e non più soltanto al popolo. declaration of assets and credits [actifs] held by them, directly or indirectly, from the commencement [prise] of [their] functions, in the course of service, The instances in charge of good governance are independent. The Council of Ministers deliberates on the following questions and texts: – the strategic orientations of the policy of the State; – the bills of revision of the Constitution; – the general orientations of the bill of the law of finance; – the bills of framework law [loi-cadre] provided for by Article 71 (2nd. The government can adopt [prendre], in the interval of the sessions, with the, agreement of the commissions concerned of the two Chambers, decree-laws. It, determines[,] as well[,] the conditions and the modalities of the effective. The public powers work to the creation of instances of dialog [concertation], with a view to associate the different social actors with the enactment, the. This is only receivable if. Appena fuori, le grida si fanno più forti anche se si sente che non sono in molti.«Hurriyat atta'bir, hurriyat atta'bir», dice un passante rivolto ai giornalisti: tranquilli, è «la libertà di espressione», una frase che mai si è sentita così forte e così fieramente espressa. Representatives or one-fourth [of the] members of the Chamber of Councilors. He must benefit from programs of instruction and of reintegration. The King exercises by Dahirs the religious prerogatives inherent in the, institution of the Emirate of the Faithful [Imarat Al Mouminine] which are. The ordinary or specialized jurisdictions are created by the law. The Nation relies for its collective life on the federative constants [constantes, fédératrices], on the occurrence of moderate Muslim religion, [on] the national, unity of its multiple components [affluents], [on] the constitutional monarchy, The territorial organization of the Kingdom is decentralized, founded on an, Sovereignty belongs to the Nation which exercises it directly by way [voie] of. Le disposizioni annunciate sono all'avanguardia e, quando saranno pienamente attuate, permetteranno al Paese magrebino di entrare in una nuova fase politica fondata sulla giustizia, la legalità e il rispetto dei diritti e delle libertà. referendum and indirectly by the intermediary of its representatives. transmission to the government of the law definitively adopted. Dalla mattina all'aeroporto di Casablanca – aeroporto Mohammed V, in onore del nonno dell'attuale re – arrivano giornalisti da tutto il mondo. members elected, in proportion to their presence in the corps of the magistrature; – of the President of the National Council of the Rights of Man [Conseil, – of 5 notable persons [personnalitiés] appointed by the King, recognized for, their competence, their impartiality and their probity, as well as for their, distinguished contribution [apport] in favor of the independence of justice and, of the primacy of the law, of which one member is proposed by the Secretary. It responds to the questions and consultations in relation to the, functions of legislation, of control and of evaluation, exercised by the. leave it and to return, in accordance with the law[,] is guaranteed to all. justice, under reserve of the principle of the separation of powers. Dalle parole ai fatti chiudendo la bocca ai più scettici. The Parliament holds joint [communes] sittings of both Chambers, in particular, – the opening by the King of the parliamentary session, the second Thursday of, the month of October, and the address of Royal Messages destined to the, – the adoption of the revision of the Constitution in accordance with the. of the State and of the public organs [organismes]. The refusal of confidence results in the collective resignation of the government. The constitutional regime of the Kingdom is founded on the separation, the, balance and the collaboration of the powers, as well as on participative, democracy of [the] citizen, and the principles of good governance and of the. The decrees enter into force on their, publication, but they must be submitted, in the term of time established by the, enabling law, to the ratification of the Parliament. A questo si aggiunge l'apertura ai partiti e soprattutto la ridefinizione della figura del re. Grand Maghreb, reaffirms that which follows and commits itself: – To work for the construction of the Union of the Maghreb, as [a] strategic, – To deepen the bonds of togetherness with the Arab and Islamist Ummah, – To consolidate relations of cooperation and of solidarity with the peoples and. depends, infringes the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. Under the presidency of the Head of Government, the Council of Government, – the general policy of the State before its presentation in the Council of, – the engagement of the responsibility of the government before the Chamber of. The government submits annually to the Parliament a law of regulation of the, law of finance[,] in the course of the second fiscal year [exercise] which follows, that of the execution of said law of finance. The Nation chooses its representatives from among the institutions elected by. The election, the organization and the functioning of the Superior Council of the, Judicial Power, as well as the criteria relative to the management of the career of, the magistrates and the rules of the disciplinary procedure are established by an, In the matters concerning the prosecuting magistrates, the Superior Council of, the Judicial Power takes into consideration the reports of evaluation established. Alle elezioni parlamentari del 2011, il PJD ha ottenuto la maggioranza dei seggi in Parlamento; secondo la Costituzione, emendata dal referendum del giugno 2011, il … the regularity of the expenditures of the electoral operations. Nation. which are transferred to the regions and to the other territorial collectivities. of the debates is published in the Bulletin officiel of the Parliament. The, third reserved to the region is elected at the level of each region by the Regional, Council [Conseil régional] from among its members. expressly devolved to him by this Constitution. At the time of its independence in 1956, Morocco proclaimed itself an Islamic state, made Arabic its official language and pronounced the official definition of Moroccan identity. Beyond this official identity, however, for several decades a cultural • Il 20 febbraio e il giorno successivo migliaia di persone manifestano a Rabat, Casablanca e in altre città del Marocco per chiedere riforme democratiche e protestare contro il governo del paese. –To reinforce South-South cooperation [coopération Sud-Sud]; –To protect and to promote the mechanisms [dispositifs] of the Rights of Man, and of international humanitarian law and to contribute to their development. Arabic is [demeure] the official language of the State. In the case provided for in the second and third paragraphs of this Article, the, Constitutional Court decides within a time of one month counting from its, referral to [the matter]. During the minority, of the King, a Council of the Regency [Conseil de Régence] exercises the, powers and the constitutional rights of the Crown, except those relative to the, revision of the Constitution. The Chamber of, Representatives deliberates first on the bills of law and on the proposals of law, initiated by its members; the Chamber of Councilors deliberates first on the, proposals of law initiated by its members. The rights to defense are guaranteed before all the jurisdictions. constructive partnership with all other States, and to work for common progress, the Kingdom of Morocco, [a] united State, totally sovereign, belonging the. – to a modern, accessible education of quality; – to education concerning attachment to the Moroccan identity and to the. Nell'ultimo mese la domanda di prestiti ipotecari è. Dai libri alla nuvola informatica: Jeff Bezos, fondatore e amministratore delegato di Amazon, Gli sporadici lanci di razzi iraniani Fajr-5 contro Gerusalemme e Tel Aviv costituiscono una, Fine Del Mondo, Armageddon, end of the World, Apocalypse? – to access to public functions according to the merits; – to the access to water and to a healthy environment; The family, founded on the legal bonds of marriage, is the basic unit [cellule] of, The State works to guarantee by the law the protection of the family under the, juridical, social and economic plans, in a manner to guarantee its unity, its, It assures one equal juridical protection and one equal social and moral, consideration to all children, [being the] abstraction made from their familial, Fundamental instruction [enseignement] is a right of the child and an obligation, A Consultative Council of the Family and of Childhood [Conseil consultatif de, It is incumbent on the public powers to take all the appropriate measures with a. The laws establish the composition, the organization, the attributions and the, rules of functioning of the institutions and instances specified in Articles 161 to. The law enabling law, becomes lapsed in the case of the dissolution of the two Chambers of Parliament. The complete record. competent departments, structures and organs [organismes]. by democratic methods, within the framework of the constitutional institutions. specifies [précise] the list of these strategic establishments and enterprises. – stimulate and make general the participation of youth in the social, economic. The Economic, Social and Environmental Council may be consulted by the, government, by the Chamber of Representatives and by the Chamber of. and 174, are countersigned by the Head of Government. which must be, in the course of the following ordinary session of the Parliament, The bill of decree-law is deposited with the Bureau of the Chamber of, Representatives. The Council of the Regency shall function as [a], consultative organ before the King until the day [when] he has attained the age, The Council of the Regency is presided over the President of the Constitutional, Court. However, the Court can decide beyond this time, by substantiated. These reports are presented to the Parliament and are made the object of debate. – disposal of means appropriate to assume its institutional functions; – the active participation in parliamentary diplomacy with a view to the defense. The associations of civil society and the non-governmental organizations are, constituted and exercise their activities in all freedom, within respect for the, They may not be dissolved or suspended by the public powers except by virtue, The associations interested in public matters and the non-governmental, organizations, contribute, within the framework of participative democracy, in, the enactment, the implementation and the evaluation of the decisions and the, initiatives [projets] of the elected institutions and of the public powers.