However, in late 1937, the Czechoslovak army decided to run official tank trials both in infantry tank and cruiser tank categories. In German service it saw combat during the early years of World War II, notably the Invasion of Poland, the Battle of France and the invasion of the Soviet Union before being retired by 1942. E on) increased this to 50 mm by bolting on an additional 25 mm armour to the front. Seventy-four were built. Prozkoumejte naše modely. Noiembrie 2020 PSR; Octombrie 2020 PSR; Septembrie 2020 PSR; August 2020 PSR; Iulie 2020 PSR; Iunie 2020 PSR; Mai 2020 PSR which contains all nations which don’t have enough tanks to fill a whole tech tree. Speed: 45 km/h. The next major tank develop in Czechoslovak service had the formal designation Lehký (Light) Tank vzor (Model) 35, but was commonly referred to as the LT vz. The resulting vehicle was reliable, and an export success: 50 were exported to Iran, 24 each to Peru and Switzerland. The work on T-21, T-22 and T-23M prototypes was effectively stopped in September 1943, when most of the Czechoslovak weapons development in Škoda was stopped in order to crank up the production of German-demanded weapons. After it became clear that the Soviet Red Army was going to push the Nazis out of eastern and central Europe, an anti-Nazi resistance movement launched a fierce armed insurrection, known as the Slovak National Uprising, near the end of summer 1944. HAVE A MEETING DOWNTOWN. However, by that time, the Munich treason completely changed the Czechoslovak army’s priorities and selling the (improved) vehicle to the Czechoslovak army was no longer an option. JARFIR By jarlang. 35 was damaged and captured by the Hungarians. Send Message. Po nepřijetí tanku T-21 ke zkouškám německé armády byla Skoda Werke požádána o stavbu vylepšeného vozidla, ale bez věže, jejíž hmotnost měl nahrazovat betonový blok. An additional order for 35 was made on 12 May 1936 and a follow-on order placed for 103 more a month later. The army was, however, impressed by the hybrid wheel/track concept and commissioned further studies, which resulted in the KH-60 (1928–29) and the KH-70 (1930). The Carden Loyds were evaluated during the Fall maneuvers and revealed numerous problems: the crews had very poor vision through the narrow slits, the machine gun had a very narrow field of fire, and the crewmen had a difficult time communicating. Skoda T21 1:87. 11. Originally named Laurin & Klement after its founders, the company was acquired by industrial conglomerate Skoda Works in 1925. 35 project. No radio was fitted. While the light tanks (LT-35 and the later LT-38) were generally good, they just couldn’t get infantry support right. Further problems were discovered on steering brakes. 14. Foden diesel truck. The AH-IV tankette d appeared in 1936 and ČKD made improvements which gave the gunner a turret for better observation and all-around fields of fire. The tests went rather fine and subsequently the project was offered to several countries, including the United Kingdom, China, Denmark, Egypt and many others. Production ended in 1942, when its armament was deemed inadequate. The ŠKODA KODIAQ will not be overawed by rugged terrain, which it can handle with the advanced 4×4 system. Namely, the unsuccessful attempts where the Praga P-IIb and Škoda Š-IIb. The number in brackets indicates the quantity of each model available. This vehicle was actually offered to Great Britain, Greece, Romania, Lithuania, Russia, Poland, Iran, Iraq, France, Egypt, Afghanistan and Bulgaria, but with little success. Dimensions: 0.88 x 1.95 x 0.93 cm. The special Off-Road Mode is available for off-road driving. Guns. Also, both companies worked on their own private attempts to build a IIb/IIc category prototypes. Please note that while Turán is also an improved version of T-21, Turán and T-22 are two quite different vehicles. The official request for the new tank from the High command was however given only in 1949 (all the previous army involvement was on an unofficial level). It is best known for its pre-World War II luxury cars and aviation engines. 30 machine gun that was usually locked in place and fired using a Bowden cable. The driver's machine gun was fixed and he fired it using a Bowden cable; 2,600 rounds were stored for the machine guns. Switch to inches. By 1942, the vehicle was – even in perfect shape – quite obsolete and unable to handle the new generation of Soviet vehicles. The engine was not powerful enough, overheated and ate a LOT of fuel (even for that time). It was supposed to be fitted with a new engine, built especially for it by the automobile factory branch of Škoda in Mladá Boleslav, but the engine development got delayed and the prototype was (in order to save time) fitted with a 190 hp 13-liter V6, originally intended for the Š-III breakthrough tank prototype. [15], The Germans captured twenty-three LT vz. It was extensively tested during 1931—2 and a few other changes were made as a result. Eco-friendly and economical solution for modern infrastructure of every city. The others were dug in on the approaches to Zvolen. [19] The LT vz.35 light tanks also were used in the Slovak–Hungarian War or Little War (Hungarian: Kis háború, Slovak: Malá vojna), fought from 23 March to 31 March/4 April 1939 between the First Slovak Republic and Hungary in eastern Slovakia. 19. It could cross a ditch 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) wide, climb an obstacle .5 to .6 metres (1.6 to 2.0 ft) high and ford a stream .8 metres (2.6 ft) deep.[6]. In the end, there were so many issues with it that it was returned to the factory in Pilsen for yet another refit. Francev Vladimír, Kliment Charles, Praga LT vz.38 (PzKpfw 38 (t)), publisher Miroslav Bílý (MBI). Italians kept on discussing the matter in Pilsen until October 1941, but in the end, the Germans didn’t approve Škoda to produce the vehicles for Italy and that was the end of it. Few months later, all the independent design and construction works in Czechoslovakia were ended and that marked the end of the last truly independent Czechoslovak tank project. 1 0 Share. The first prototype was finished in May 1937 – and so began the long journey of this vehicle and its versions and derivates, that ended only after the war. 37 heavy machine gun in a ball mount. The armor was increased from 6 to 8 mm (0.24 to 0.31 in) and from 9 to 12 mm (0.35 to 0.47 in) and a fixed machine gun was added for the driver. VOSS I was basically a 75mm A16-equipped turretless tank destroyer, while VOSS II was to carry a 150mm SIG33 howitzer. Partially in parallel with the T-22 development, the Czechoslovaks in Škoda Pilsen constructed – purely out of their own initiative, paid by Škoda – a third model, based on T-21 (this time, it wasn’t a reconstruction of the T-22, but a new vehicle from mild steel). Britain buys Skoda T21. One of the P-1 prototypes was rebuilt to address these issues with additional vision ports in all directions, internal ammunition storage and the machine gun's field of fire increased to 60°. In Slovak service, it only saw combat during the Slovak National Uprising. The Germans seized forty when they occupied Bohemia-Moravia in March 1939; there is no record of their use. The order for seventy was placed on 19 April 1933, all being delivered by October 1934.[1]. 35 or LT-35. Also to his right, in all models except the Swedish Strv m/37, was a light Zbrojovka Brno ZB vz. It was on par with most light tank designs of the era, although it was unable to effectively engage the frontal armour of medium, heavy and infantry tank designs. Browse used SKODA vehicles below or use filters if you are looking for specific features. It was also considerably more expensive than the Czechoslovakia-produced light tanks. And actually it's a … Order a printed brochure. Some of you might remember the Czechoslovak tank tree proposal I posted several months ago. One of them was to commission occupied Czechoslovakia's Škoda company to design a new medium tank for the Wehrmacht. Forced by the Soviet Union and pressed into accepting the Soviet tanks into their army, the Czechoslovak High Command had to abandon the support of the project. Follow. Many models, like the LT vz. The vehicle was renamed to Turán and served with the Hungarian army until the end of the war. 33 tankette and gave the gunner a turret for better observation and all-around fields of fire. View Shop. Browse our range by Skoda Car Make. After that (in January 1941) they quickly demanded 216 T-21 tanks, but the Germans blocked this, because they needed the Škoda capacities for their own vehicles. 2018. Crew: 4 Needless to say, the Germans were not happy and the vehicle was returned to Pilsen. These private attempts would later become the Praga V-8-H and Škoda T-21. This vehicle was designed T-23M (“M” as “mechanical”) and was tested for the first time in February 1941. There was progress not only in the development of the country's economy, but also in culture and educational opportunities. Between 1941 and 1942, the T-23M prototype drove over 9000 kilometers in total. [23] 77 of these were lost during the campaign, mostly due to mechanical breakdowns, but only 7 of these were irreparable. Škoda T-22 was introduced on 4.9.1939 as a development variant of the T-21 as a response towards the German demand to produce something better than the T-21. 26 machine guns so the contract was signed with no design work on the desired armament configuration. [5] The suspension was a modified version of that used in the Carden-Loyd tankettes. Switch to inches. 15. This rebuilt prototype wasn’t actually half bad, it performed well – WHEN it was running (that wasn’t often, the vehicle was deemed very unreliable). The Germans demanded the prototype by September 1940 and the Waffenprüfamt ordered the vehicle development officially on 2.11.1939. Škodovka odpověděla strojem T-22, který kromě vylepšené rychlostní skříně obdržel nový motor s větším objemem a výkonem. In February 1941, Italians and Germans met in Berlin to discuss this matter. Gun: 47mm Škoda A11 A report stated, the "(bow) gunner could not sit back comfortably as the wireless set was in the way of his left shoulder." It had a ground pressure of only 0.5 kg/cm2. The German engineer Joseph Vollmer joined Škoda and designed a wheel/track light tank, the KH-50 (Kolo-Housenka). However, the interest in the vehicle wasn't high as its weight was 14 tons, while most bridges of that time could hold vehicles up to 10 tons. Finally, the S-II-c was to have a better 13.8 liters engine giving 250 hp; this increased the maximum speed to roughly 50 km/h. [9] The army thought that P-II-a was at the limit of its development while the S-II-a could be improved as needed. Mar 17, 2012 #21 MattII. An order for a further 150 was canceled after the Munich Agreement of 1938 gave the Sudetenland area of Czechoslovakia to Germany. Italians were very interested in the T-11 and T-21 tanks, but in the end, the last decision was on the Germans. 26 machine guns. The Panzer 38(t) was manufactured until June 1942. These platoons were heavily used suppressing the protests and violence instigated by Konrad Henlein's Sudeten German Party (Sudetendeutsche Partei - SdP) and the Sudetendeutsche Freikorps (paramilitary groups trained in Germany by SS-instructors) between May and October 1938.[18]. Since it was not successful in Czechoslovakia, Škoda offered this type for export, both pre-war and in the early war years (under German command). Plus, all three of these vehicles were simply… mediocre. 2012. during the trials, causing the vehicle not to make the June 1938 army tests deadline – and that was the end of the T-21 as a potential Czechoslovak army medium tank. The first six of these were to serve as pre-production models and were to be delivered by 30 September 1933. The other prototype was eventually given to the Shah of Iran. Switch to cm. The Škoda T 27 is a Czechoslovakian tier 8 premium medium tank. Just a technical note: some people actually confuse the T-23 with the American tank T23 (which was earlier in World of Tanks as tier 8, before it was replaced by the Pershing). Success Rate: First To try. Share To. During the early months of occupation, German delegations did visit the Škoda factory and tests were performed with the Š-IIc prototype, which, at that point, on 22.5.1939, was – to fit the German nomenclature principles – renamed to Škoda T-21 (T = tank, 2 = medium, 1 = 1st variant). 35s, as the S-II-a was designated in Army service, was placed on 30 October 1935 and deliveries began in December 1936. No prototypes were manufactured. The ŠKODA KODIAQ introduces a range of safety features and assists to the mid-size SUV section that tended to be the preserve of high-end cars. 35(t), and this Czechoslovak-designed light tank ended up being used mainly by Nazi Germany during World War II. Vickers MK.VI pontoons 1:144 $ 14.96. Furthermore, they were slow, underpowered and often broke down. Tell me more. ŠKODA ENYAQ iV. The ŠKODA 1000 drivetrain is the first series-produced engine to utilize aluminium pressure casting. 0.35 x 0.77 x 0.37 inches. Modules / Available Equipment and Consumables. The Škoda T 25 leads to the Konštrukta T-34/100. It was also used in the German invasion of the Soviet Union from 1941 onwards in German and Hungarian units, but was outclassed by Soviet tanks such as the T-34. The British Royal Armoured Corps (RAC) had one trial model delivered on 23 March 1939 to the Gunnery School at Lulworth. It sat in the rear of the fighting compartment and drove the transmission via a drive shaft that ran forward between the driver and commander to the gearbox. 35 to the proving grounds at Kubinka for evaluation. A competition was announced for the new Czechoslovak army medium tank and V-8-H took part. 1.14 x 2.58 x 1.25 inches. In April 1938, the vehicle was thoroughly tested and changes were made, leading to the tank's weight increasing by two tons. 35s was in Michalovce when Carpatho-Ukraine declared independence and Hungary invaded on 14 March 1939. The territory of Slovakia was liberated by Soviet and Romanian forces by the end of April 1945. He had a large vision port to the right of the machine gun mount in the turret and a small vision slit on the left side of the superstructure. Nabízíme pestrou modelovou paletu vozů ŠKODA. Latest news. Book a Service. Weight: 18 tons The delivery date for the next batch of twenty-four was a year after that and the final batch of twenty was due by 30 July 1935. This design had roadwheels mounted on the drive sprockets and jockey wheels behind them to support the tracks. A successor to the POPULAR, the model offers an ideal package of price, utility value and running costs. 35 from 1937. Complimentary Wipers with Major Service. Škoda T-21 Práce na tomto strednom tanku boli začaté v septembri 1936. The remainder of "rump" Czechoslovakia was renamed Czecho-Slovakia and included a greater degree of Slovak political autonomy. It returned to Germany in June 1941, when it during one day before the German testing committee ran 403 kilometers on a German highway. After the Munich Agreement in October 1938, the army tried to sell them, but could find no takers. Skoda Cars. Cooling air was designed to draw air in through the commander's and driver's hatches. Turret and hull were also refitted and modified. Two of the other prototypes were rebuilt to the same standard; all three were officially accepted by the Army on 17 October 1933. At first the Hungarians wanted to actually buy the Czech-produced vehicles, but Germans blocked that (just like with the Romanians), that’s why the Hungarian interest shifted towards the licensed production. During the war, the first encounters with the Russian T-34's quickly led the German army to look for alternative solutions for a new medium tank. Δείτε περισσότερα. 35 or the T-21 (built under license in Hungary), would be mass-produced, while others never passed the prototype stage. Chamberlain, Peter, and Hilary L. Doyle. The first contact happened around late 1939. Δείτε περισσότερα. Well then, let’s get to it. [17] Ten were abandoned by the insurgents when the Slovak National Uprising began in September 1944 and were quickly captured by the Germans. The LT vz. Skoda Auto is a Czech automobile manufacturer founded in 1895. Administratori sajta rade na održavanju sajta i prikazivanju tačnih informacija, ali i pored toga zadržavamo pravo na bilo kakvu grešku. 2017. Modules. Some ex-German units were issued to the Romanians in 1943, after the loss of many of the Romanian R-2 tanks. They will protect you and your family. By then, it had become largely obsolete, though the chassis was adapted to a variety of different roles with success. They were shipped to Skoda for repairs, but the local military representative ordered them scrapped because of their poor condition and obsolescence. 39). ŠKODA zadržava pravo da u bilo kom trenutku i bez najave promeni informacije na sajtu, podatke o automobilima, opremi, specifikacijama i dostupnosti. All the technical problems were gradually fixed and by 1942, the vehicle actually was actually in perfect shape, all the bugs and flaws fixed. Agile and fast, the machine gun-armed combat tankette ended up in others hands as it was built mainly for export. online παραγγελία. Διαμόρφωση μοντέλου . All News Request a brochure. After that, the both companies basically sat together and made a joint infantry tank project, designated ŠP-IIb. Škoda, however, being the main competitor of ČKD wasn't really that much interested in cooperation and pushed its resources into what would become the T-2X line of vehicles (specifically the T-21 medium tank). Unlocking the skoda T25 War is a Democracy and the enemy always gets a vote. 26 or vz. ŠKODA Connect is a completely new feature in the connectivity of ŠKODA cars. The semi-automatic Praga-Wilson transmission had five forward gears and one reverse gear to drive the forward-mounted drive sprocket. [16], In Slovakia, 27 LT vz. The constant draft generated by the engine greatly affected the crew during cold weather, and the engine noise and heat increased crew fatigue. It resembled the Christie suspension outwardly, but was actually a conventional leaf spring unit. Skladá sa z troch článkov spojených kĺbmi (tzv. Skoda car prices start(GST Included) at Rs 7.99 Lakh for the most inexpensive model in its lineup, the New Rapid. It was the result of the experience, gained by ČKD during the Šp-IIb cooperation in the mid 1930s (a prototype of Šp-IIb was built in 1937). Tacomská 10 T. Škoda 10 T je česk á trojčlánková nízkopodlažná električka, ktorá vychádza z typu 03 T. Konštrukcia. They detrained in Sevljus and participated in a counterattack at Fančíkovo, but the LT vz. After World War I, the Polish army began designing tankettes, light tanks, and armored vehicles, many by Škoda. Two prototypes were started and designated S-IIc, but their construction was never finished. keep in touch with Škoda. Latest Offers. Δείτε περισσότερα. More about Connected car. The two-man turret was centrally located, and housed the tank's main armament, a 37 mm Skoda A7 gun with 90 rounds stored on board. Partial changes were demanded, for example replacing the original 47mm gun with the Hungarian 40mm 37M cannon, Hungarian-made radio and Hungarian Gebauer machineguns instead of the original Czechoslovak ones. [16], The 298 LT vz. 6 reasons to buy the new ŠKODA … With this design, Českomoravská Kolben-Daněk was determined not to repeat the problems of its earlier Tančík vz. Do you know something about these vehicles? One prototype was ordered from Českomoravská Kolben-Daněk in 1931, but development was slow and it was accepted only in November 1932. In all, over 1,400 were manufactured. Speed: 48 km/h. The last one was delivered on 17 August 1936. In German service the 38(t) was used as a substitute for the Panzer III. Search our ŠKODA Approved used cars . Germans were actually impressed and started discussing its production with partial changes (namely increased turret ring diameter, better escape hatches and tropicalisation, which means improved engine and crew compartment cooling system, anti-heat paint overcoat and sealing the internal space against dust and sand particles). It was supposed to be a 30-33ton machine, armed with an 85mm to 105mm cannon, with the armor of 20 to 65 millimeters. View Shop. What's this? The Czechoslovak army, seeing Germany's new Panzer III vehicles, felt that the contemporary light tanks could not stand up to it. Small numbers were also used for reconnaissance, training and security duties, such as deployment on armoured trains. Side armours received additional 15 mm armour from Ausf. 34, but Škoda offered a new design that used the pneumatic system and engine earlier proved by its unsuccessful SU or S-II light tank prototype. However, by that time the war already took its toll on the German resources and due to various shortages of materials, the prototype was only ready on 1.2.1941. This third variant had (apart from the fixed engine of the same type the 2nd variant had) better tracks, improved engine cooling, improved oil pump and modified steering mechanism. Two of the other prototypes were rebuilt to the same standard; all three were officially accepted by the Army on 17 October 1933. The armor was increased from 6 to 8 mm (0.24 to 0.31 in) and from 9 to 12 mm (0.35 to 0.47 in) and a fixed machine gun was added for the driver. The LT vz. 35 or ZB vz. The license agreement was signed on 14.8.1940, with the license-produced Škoda A17 gun being a part of them. This was deemed enough to deflect armor-piercing 7.92 mm (0.312 in) bullets fired from distances greater than 125 metres (137 yd) from the front and 185 metres (202 yd) from the sides. The Soviets were only interested in buying the prototype, but Škoda refused to sell unless a license was purchased as well, believing that the Soviets would simply copy the design and build it without paying any royalties.[13]. Get an Octavia Combi for the price of a saloon. The Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) was another Czech tank of pre-World War II design. On 1 July 1938, Czechoslovakia ordered 150 of the TNHPS model, which came to be known as the LT vz. See all - Shop by Model Year. Engine: Škoda V8, 14,9 liter, 260hp The idler wheel was at the rear and one return roller was fitted. In the years 1947 and 1948, this project was worked on, the demands and construction elements of the vehicle were further refined. [3] The government of the First Slovak Republic, led by Jozef Tiso and Vojtech Tuka, was strongly influenced by Germany and gradually became a puppet regime in many respects. Two KH-50 prototypes were built, one of which was later converted to a KH-60; the other was scrapped. Follow. 39 tanks. At the same time, another team was working on an even heavier vehicle, the T-25 and the T-24 project was cancelled in favour of the T-25. 2019. The small turret was incapable of taking a weapon big enough to destroy late-war tanks, such as the T-34, and manufacturing of the tank version ceased. The 38(t) was also considered to be very easy to maintain and repair.[14]. The unsuccessful attempts where the Praga P-IIb and Škoda Š-IIb. test drive. On 9.10.1940, Italian delegation came to Pilsen. [7], The Czech Army formulated a requirement in the II-a category of light cavalry tanks by the end of 1934. In 1923, its French subsidiary became a semi-autonomous partnership with the Spanish parent company. But the engine was not powerful enough, overheated and used a lot of fuel. ŠKODA CONNECTIVITY. 20. Showing slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES} - Shop by Model Year. From June to November 1938, the prototype was modified further in Pilsen, thus creating a third (and final) variant of the original Š-IIc design (not counting the further modifications, made by Hungarians – the Turán tank is basically a Š-IIc copy, with partial improvements). JARFIR By jarlang. Studebaker US6. Skoda T21 1:285. Gun: 47mm Škoda A9 See all - Shop by Body Type. In the opinion of the crews, the drive components of the 38(t), engine, gear, steering, suspension, wheels and tracks were perfectly in tune with each other. Find Your Service Dealer. More From This Shop. The Romanians returned it to Škoda six months later.[20]. The Germans demanded the prototype by September 1940 and the Waffenprüfamt ordered the vehicle development officially on 2.11.1939. ŠKODA Genuine Accessories. M3 half-track (and Browning M2 HB mg). Production of tanks for Germany continued into 1942, and amounted to more than 1,400 examples. Even the Germans showed some interest at that point. The engine was finally installed in March 1938 and the vehicle was sent in May 1938 for army tests in Milovice. This meant the machine gun could be trained on targets independently. There were similar vision ports on the sides and the rear. It was assembled from a framework of steel "angle iron" beams, to which armor plates between 12 and 6 mm (0.47 and 0.24 in) thick were riveted. 33 (literal translation Tankette model 33) was the first Czechoslovak-designed tankette of which seventy-four were built but it had many issues. Most of the machine gun's barrel protruded from the mount and was protected by an armored trough. Notable variations include the Sd.Kfz. 34s and the prototype when they occupied Czechoslovakia, but there is no record of their use so they were presumably quickly scrapped. The vehicle however still didn’t do too well (the engine actually seized and had to be scrapped) and the tests were stopped in November, marking the end of the 1st development stage of T-21. They were assigned to the Panzer Battalion (Panzerabteilung) 65 (39) of the 1st Light (leichte) Division and the independent Panzer-Regiment 11 (81) where they participated in the Invasion of Poland. Car Configurator Choose the country and find links to important Car Configurator pages Thereafter, Czechoslovakia came under continuous pressure from the revisionist governments of Germany and Hungary. 6 reasons to buy the new ŠKODA KODIAQ. The gunner sat on the left and manned a small turret fitted with a ZB vz. 2009. ČKD did not finalize its design until December 1933 and the first six tanks were delivered with only a pair of ZB vz. One of the P-1 prototypes was rebuilt to address these issues with additional vision ports in all directions, internal ammunition storage and the machine gun's field of fire increased to 60°. Matilda II. One prototype was ordered from each company for delivery during the summer of 1935. He had these three tanks in the tree, I threw them out, since I wanted to streamline the proposal as much as possible – and small side-branches were never really that much popular. It was to be propelled by a diesel engine with maximum speed of 50 km/h and it was to have a 5-member crew. 3 MoE's: E-25, M41 Walker Bulldog, E-50, Snakebite, E-75, T32, Tiger 131, Skoda T25, Boilermaker, Sentinel AC4 Experimental, M41B Brazil- In order obtained It was based on the best elements of studied German, British, Russian and Czechoslovak constructions. Basically, it was a disaster. [4], The front armor was 12 mm (0.47 in) thick, the sides had a thickness of 8 mm (0.31 in), the top was 6 mm (0.24 in) thick and the bottom plates were 6 mm (0.24 in) in thickness. [6], The 3.468 litres (211.6 cu in), water-cooled, six-cylinder Praga engine produced 55 horsepower (41 kW) at 2500 rpm. In Fall 1941, Germans contacted the Škoda engineers and designers and by the end of 1941, first drawings of the new vehicle (designated T-24) were ready. If you want to benefit from this improved service, please opt-in. It consisted of four large road wheels per side, each pair mounted on a wheel carrier and sprung by leaf springs. The riveted armour was mostly unsloped, and varied in thickness from 10 mm to 25 mm in most versions. today, we are going to have a look at three vehicles, that have a relatively high chance of appearing in the European tank tree, because they formed the basis of the Czechoslovak medium tanks. During September 1941, the vehicle was modified according to German demands and further tests were held in Pilsen (with success, the German testing engineers were actually quite fine with it), but then, on 2.10.1941, this prototype was again sent to Kummersdorf. It provided what were at the time rather extensive rights to its minorities and remained the only democracy in this part of Europe in the interwar period. During World War I, Vollmer was chief designer for the German War Department's motor vehicle section, and he had designed the World War I German tanks A7V, K-Wagen, LK I and LK II. The Škoda T-21 (original designation was Škoda Š-IIc) was Škoda’s contribution to the IIc army category (medium tanks for general use) and a direct competitor to the Praga V-8-H. Basically, what happened: in the early thirties, both Praga and Škoda (main competitors for the Czechoslovak army contracts, but also when it came to export) had several unsuccessful designs when it came to infantry support tanks. The Germans didn’t show too much interest in it; they wanted to test it in Kummersdorf, but in the end, the Germans decided to produce an improved version, which was named T-22. Armor: Front – 30mm, sides – 10mm The prototypes survived until 1948-1949 and were most likely deconstructed and melted down after that. More From This Shop. Select a model from the list below to obtain a list of used SKODA vehicles for your selected model.